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This research study aims to systematically analyse  Hindi movies to identify

Who are they principal investigators: This study is being undertaken by Manan Sharma, Saloni Diwakar and Ananya Mishra, research authors at the Department of Psychology at Nolmë Labs - a government registered academic research organization with a special focus on mental health.

Why is conducting this study important?

While there are studies investigating the experiences of ad-hoc/non tenured faculty in western contexts, similar studies are lacking in non-WEIRD (non-Western Educated Industrialized Rich and Democratic) contexts such India. Faculty experiences can have a trickle-down impact on students' in-classroom environments and the quality of their education. Academic precarity is a relevant predictor of an institution's capacity to provide educational excellence to students, and of the institute's ethical and moral obligation to safeguard their educators rights to a life of dignity. Such obligations are reflected in their academic policies and practices. 

Research into this topic could help to raise awareness of the issue of precarity among adjunct faculty, helping to provide support and resources. The study would help recommend changes in academic hiring and employment policy to positively impact academicians' feelings of empowerment and psychological safety, and more tangible professional outcomes such as research publications, training and development, and job security.

Who can participate?

Academicians (teaching faculty & researchers) who are

  • working as Ad hoc/adjunct/temporary (non permanent) faculty at a university or college in India

  • employed in Humanities and Social Sciences (e.g. Departments of Psychology, Philosophy, Economics, etc.) 

  • have worked for a minimum of 2 years in higher education (undergraduate or postgraduate degree) teaching or as a researcher

What do I have to do?

The study will be conducted through in-depth interviews. After consenting, participants will fill out the demographic data sheet and survey. They will then be contacted to schedule the interview. The interviews will be audio-recorded and transcribed. All identifying information in the transcriptions will be encrypted, all data will be password protected. Only the research team would have access to it. Your participation is voluntary and confidential. 

What are the risks and benefits in participating in this study?: There are no anticipated risks to participating in this study. Participants' concerns regarding confidentiality and anonymity will be thoroughly addressed to ensure no potential for professional repercussions through 

  • De-identification of data: participants will be identified by aliases. Information regarding the institute of employment will be masked. 

  • Researchers will have limited access to the collected data and allowed to access encrypted data only

  • interviewees can choose their preferred interviewer. opting for interviewers who are not from the same city, or are not in the teaching profession.

Participating in the study will 

  • Help platform the experiences of ad hoc (on precarious contract) academics in Indian academia, and help inform the decisions of people looking at a career in academia

  • Initiate a conversation on precarity in Indian academia

  • Help identify barriers & challenges that individuals face while navigating Indian academia

  • Help inform policy & institutional reforms and issue of relevance to teachers unions.

For more information, email us at

Participants will have an opportunity to clarify the ethical safeguards impacting them before consenting to the interview process.  For more information, email us at 

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